- Cài Driver: Bật ADB Debugging trong Settings - Development
I. Root:
- Vào Settings chọn "Developers options", tích cọn vào "USB debugging", nếu khôg có menu "Developer options" thì vào "Setting" -> "About phone" và nhấn 5 lần vào "Build number" để hiện menu này.
- Kết nối cáp USB với máy tính, The software is in Chinese but it's simple to rooting the phone, just press the green icon that says "ROOT", but still add a catch. We install a superuser in Chinese, but then we can change it. Installing the Play Store SuperSU and run, we request a binary upgrade, we say that if you and give permission to the Chinese superuser (right button in Chinese), when we ask for the mode and the binary eelegimos actualizaciond "normal." Once you finish go to the tab "Settings" SuperSU and click "Change palicación of superuser" and the SuperSU teneomos as superuser to the root as a Christian.
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